We Buy All Canadian Currency
Printed Before 1936

We Also Accept Consignments for Manifest Currency Auctions
Email Us:  Manning@CanadaCurrency.com or Call or Text: 864-430-4020

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Thank you! -Manning Garrett

Value of Old Banknotes from The City Bank of Montreal in Toronto, Canada

Old Money from The City Bank of Montreal in Toronto

This bank did not really exist.  Bank notes from it are altered from The Colonial Bank of Canada.  These are still collectible though.  Contact us if you would like a free appraisal.


We buy all types of Canadian currency, even altered notes from The City Bank of Montreal in Toronto.  Send us an email with pictures of the front and back of your bank note and we will respond quickly with our offer.


Sample Bank Note Image:

Your piece of currency from The City Bank of Montreal in Toronto should look similar to the one seen below.  Contact us for more value information.