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Printed Before 1936

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Value of Old Banknotes from The Commercial Bank of Brockville, Canada

Old Money from The Commercial Bank of Brockville

This was a spurious bank that popped up in 1837.  Spurious means that the bank didn’t really exist and that money was printed purely to defraud people.  People in Canada quickly learned that these were not authentic, but they still circulated in Michigan and Ohio.  Five and ten dollar bank notes were printed.  Today both remainders and proof notes exist.  Issued bank notes in any condition are much more valuable than proofs.  Issued bank notes are made to look authentic.  They are signed by Luther R Sims and W. Colburn.  They have an imprint that references Burton, & Edmonds, N. York.  They could be dated as Sept. 2 1834 or Nov. 3 1836.  Both dates and denominations are valued the same.  Contact us for details.
Brockville spurious five dollar bank note


We buy all types of Canadian currency. We are especially interested in bank notes from The Commercial Bank of Brockville. You might be surprised at how much money we can offer for some currency. Send us an email with pictures of the front and back of your bank note and we will respond quickly with our offer.
