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Printed Before 1936
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Value of Old Banknotes from The Union Bank of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown, Canada
Old Money from The Union Bank of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown
This bank opened in 1860 and closed in 1883. It was one of four banks located in Charlottetown that printed paper money. The bank ran into some trouble in 1883 because they were unable to liquidate some assets. They were absorbed by The Bank of Nova Scotia on May 25, 1883. Our guide below has information about all of the different types of currency issued by The Union Bank. Please contact us if you have something you want to sell and need a free appraisal.
Bank Notes from 1864 and 1865:
The earliest paper money from The Union Bank of Prince Edward Island was denominated in dollars, shillings, and pence. One, two, five, and twenty dollar bank notes were printed. Issued examples of any of these notes are extremely rare today. Notes should be signed by Jas Anderson and Chs Palmer. Dates of 1 June 1864 and Jan. 2 1865 were printed on these bank notes. You will also see an imprint that reads American Bank Note Co. NY. & Boston. We would love to see one of these bank notes. Please contact us if you have one.
Bank Notes from 1872:
The Union Bank printed the same denominations ($1, $2, $5, and $20) in 1872. This time they were only denominated in dollars. These aren’t quire as rare as the earlier bank notes, but they are still difficult to find. Officer signatures could be Anderson, Palmer, Wm. Heard, John H. Yeo, Geo. MacLeod, or John Ings. Each bank note should be dated as 1st January 1872. Some $1 and $2 bills have a green “Canada Currency” overprint. It is also important to remember that lots of 1872 $2 counterfeits do still exist on the market today.
Bank Notes from 1875 and 1877:
Twenty dollar bank notes were discontinued when the series of 1875 was started. One, two, and five dollar bills were printed with a date of March 1st 1875. The two lower denominations are occasionally available. Five dollar bank notes are extremely scarce. Two and five dollar bills were printed with an 1877 date; they are both very rare as well. There are also lots of $2 counterfeits from this bank, so buyer beware. Let us know if we can help you authenticate or value your currency.
We buy all types of Canadian currency. We are especially interested in bank notes from The Union Bank of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown. You might be surprised at how much money we can offer for some currency. Send us an email with pictures of the front and back of your bank note and we will respond quickly with our offer.