We Buy All Canadian Currency
Printed Before 1936

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Value of Old Banknotes from The Bank of Acadia of Liverpool Nova Scotia, Canada

Old Money from The Bank of Acadia of Liverpool Nova Scotia

The Bank of Acadia was only open for approximately 120 days between 1872 and 1873.  That makes it the shortest-lived bank in the history of Canada.  Close to 100 bank notes have survived today.  That may seem like a small number, but it is actually quite high when compared to other banking institutions.  Four, five, ten, and twenty dollar bills were printed and dated as 2nd Dec. 1872.  Notes were printed by the British American Bank Note Co. Montreal & Ottawa.  G.E. Stevens and T.R. Pattillo signed all bank notes.  Four dollar bills are by far the most common.  Ten dollar bills are occasionally available.  Five and twenty dollar bills are very rare.
acadia bank 10


We buy all types of Canadian currency.  We are especially interested in bank notes from The Bank of Acadia of Liverpool Nova Scotia.  You might be surprised at how much money we can offer for some currency.  Send us an email with pictures of the front and back of your bank note and we will respond quickly with our offer.


Sample Bank Note Image:

Your piece of currency from The Bank of Acadia of Liverpool Nova Scotia is likely a $4 bill as seen below.  Contact us for more value information.